Monday, December 15, 2008

Buttercream frosting

YUM. I attempted to make buttercream frosting today, and I must say I succeeded! It was verrryyy delicious! So much so, that I had to let my dad was the dishes because I couldn't stop sticking my fingers in the remnants, I thought I was going to make myself sick!

Haha, and oh how suprised I was at how SIMPLE it was!! Butter, Shortening, and Powdered sugar. Throw in a couple tablespoons of water and a teaspoon of vanlilla, and you're set to go!

I did have a little trouble frosting the cake. I don't really have the right kind of spatulas, and the cake was a little crumbly (this may be from using regular flow as opposed to cake flow (I didn't know there was a difference until after the fact)). All in all, the cake and frosting (and sprinkles) was a success. My poor family of guinea pigs all enjoyed the cake, as did I.

I've got a couple of pictures here of the peanut butter bars and my nummy nummy cake :)

Next on the list: Still considering how to do peppermint bark. I need to get working soon though, while I still have unsuspecting neighbors and friends to unload all my goodies on! Haha.

Have a great night (or morning really)

God Bless

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