Saturday, December 13, 2008

My first cake (from scratch that is)

So, the title is pretty self explanatory I think! Haha, today I made a white chocolate cake from scratch. It took FOREVER to bake (partially because the power was flickering) but I think it turned out pretty good!

I made two eight inch cakes, tomorrow I'm going to attempt to make buttercream frosting from scratch as well, and make the two cakes one! After that, I'm on to attempting to decorate it. Luckily, I have a lot of family to pawn all my trail goodies off on, haha. Otherwise I think I might gain a lot of weight!!

Also, I think I am going to start making little fliers or something, offering to make some goodies for people that I know if they will make a donation to a cancer research fund. I am just going to make the fliers for now, haha, I still need more practice before I do that!

Whats cooking in the future besides frosting? I am going to learn how to make white trash (pretzels, applejacks, and nuts covered in white chocolate), and chocolate dipped pretzels from my mom. I also got some peppermint sticks to attempt some peppermint bark...we'll see how that goes.

I really want to get a silicon baking sheet (mostly for laying out melted chocolate, haha). I've been reading up on them, and they seem like a pretty good deal. We'll see though.

That's all for now, I've got some pictures of my cakes to put up, but I currently don't have my camera.

Good night, and God Bless,

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