Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hey there, and thanks for checking out Cakes for a Cure. This is a new idea for me, I'm just starting out with cake baking and the like. I'm really enjoying it, and I really want all my efforts to have some kind of a purpose! I really have a passion for cancer, especially children's cancer, and thought to "what a better way to use something I enjoy, then to help sick kids by making cakes"!?

So, on forth I go, seeing where this interest may lead. I started this blog to post pictures, recipes, thoughts, ramblings, whatever. I have been inspired by people using their unique passions to help find a cure, and I really hope to do the same here, and I hope you enjoy any treats you find!

So, for postage one, I discovered an EXCELLENT recipe for peanut butter bars (or something like that anyways, haha)

Basically, they end up tasting a lot like fudge with marshmallows, and took less then 10 minutes to prepare (freezing takes a bit longer, haha)!!!!

Here's the recipe:
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup peanut butter
6oz butterscotch chips
6oz chocolate chips (I prefer the mini ones, they melt better)
1 bag mini marshmallow

First, line the BUTTER the bottom of your pan (any size works, the smaller the pan the thicker the bar). Trust me, this step is necessary to remove the bars!! Cover entire bottom of the pan with mini marshmallows (should use about half the bag).

In a separate, microwaveable, bowl, mix butter, peanut butter, and the majority of butter scotch/chocolate chips. Microwave for aprrox. 2 minutes (until melted), stopping every 30 seconds to stir the mixture.

Pour the melted mixture on top of marshmallow layer in pan, spread out evenly. Use remaining marshmallows & chips to sprinkle on the top of bars. Freeze until hardened (I usually leave it in for a couple hours, that way the bars are nice and solid). Remove from freezer, cut, and serve.

YUM!!! I had to write a note on top for the neighbor’s batch to keep my family out! Haha, I hope you enjoy as much as I do!!

God Bless

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