Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cookies, Cookies, and More Cookies

I have YET to get around to making my peppermint bark....maybe I will get a chance tomorrow.

On the bright side, I have been asked to make cookies for my church tomorrow, a party for the music group next week, and my brother has already asked me to make him a birthday cake (in April, haha).

I must say, I quite enjoy this whole baking thing. I'm sure I've said that a million times, but it holds true.

Tonight my dad made Divinity (I didn't get the chance to learn unfortunately). It looks quite tasty, and I think I will try some too. Basically it's a mixture of sugar and corn syrup (oh so very good for you) that poofs up and makes these little white..dollops?...that just MELT in your mouth. Quite good I must say!

I discovered the BEST recipe for chocolate chip cookies the other day, I will definitely have to put it up tomorrow when I make some more!

That's all the baking news I can think of for now. Though my cousin will be hosting a fashion show to raise money for cancer research (if you haven't gathered, we have a great deal of personal family experience with this particular illness)in Richland this coming spring or summer. If it's before I go to London, I think I may drive down to Richland and contribute deserts for participants in the show.

Feel free to share any reipe's you find that are super tasty..or anything else you may want to share.

God Bless,

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